W3D2 - Why you should write blog posts

I try to write blog posts the next day, but I’m writing this on the next next day because I’m stuck on Advent of Code Day 12. In fact I believe this is the first day that I didn’t complete both parts of the puzzle on the day itself.

I started reading interviewing.io posts on the job market (on 2024 and #opentwork) and felt demoralized.

Next I read my blog posts from my most recent batch at Recurse Center (yes this is why you should blog / write - for yourself to look back on). I wondered why I didn’t do RC this time and realized I can’t think of a specific project I want to spend time being heads down on. Reading through past posts, I felt much better coming across this post with the following quote.

One of my favorite phrases picked up in the past two years is the Shangaan phrase Hi Ta Xi Uma, which I learned from Renias Mhlongo, one of the top trackers in Africa. It means “we will find it,” and Renias will keep muttering it when he loses his track and struggles to find the next one. Everything is hard, and usually much harder than we can fathom. All the best people I’ve met through the podcast just don’t let that stop them. They also seem to develop an awareness of this constant difficulty and just become used to it.
We will find it.