RC W1D3 - Building patience

My recent posts have been more reflective compared to my first time at RC. I suppose it’s in line with this goal that I set out:

I would be less of a perfectionist in sharing sketches of my blog post ideas along the way, instead of mostly finished piece towards the end.

In re-applying to RC, I had a look at my Github history and noticed that 2024 would be 10 years since my first pull request. Perhaps this is why, despite it being the first week of RC, I’ve been feeling a little low.

In the past year, I've also realized my main hurdle has actually been soft skills. I’ve been working on building patience. With patience you can make better long-term plans and build relationships that compound. It helps you be the ‘responsible adult’. Cue Matt Klein.

One last thing: don't let anyone tell you that the tech/engineering is the easy part. It's not. It's hard. Soft skills are also hard. It's ALL hard, and both are required to succeed.